How To Drive Organic Traffic To Your Website

Marley Braunlich

Marley Braunlich

11 / 28 / 2023

Group of coworkers working on laptops.

How To Drive Organic Traffic To Your Website

Marley Braunlich

11 / 28 / 2023

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There are plenty of ways to increase traffic to your website. But organic traffic is like the golden goose of modern business. Driving organic traffic to your site can lead to continued growth and success, paving the way to more conversions and revenue.

But how do you go about getting more organic traffic?

What Is Considered Organic Traffic?

Before we get into the techniques you can employ, what is organic traffic?

Organic traffic refers to the number of visitors visiting your website via unpaid searches. Simply put, people find your site through their own search engine queries. It’s the opposite of paid traffic from expensive pay-per-click (PPC) ads. It also differs from direct, referral and social traffic.

how to increase organic traffic blog graphic.

Why Is It Important?

Many consider organic search traffic among the most valuable traffic you can get. Why? It can expose your business to people who have never heard of it. Furthermore, that traffic comes from search engine users looking for content relevant to whatever your site offers.

Whether those are products you sell or services your company presents, organic search traffic often comes from people actively looking for what you provide. That’s a big deal because there’s a greater chance that those people will become valuable leads and paying customers.

The visitors that make up organic traffic didn’t randomly see an ad while browsing. They were looking for something relevant to your website and business.

Organic traffic is also far-reaching. It can help build brand awareness and put your website on the map.

What Are the Benefits?

Building organic traffic should be a priority for any modern company with a website. While there are other avenues for digital marketing, this one has several unique perks.

First, it’s substantially more affordable than paid ads. PPC campaigns can be effective, but you’re paying for every click. With organic traffic, you’re not paying a dime to drive people directly to your site. They find it organically.

Another advantage of driving organic traffic to your site is building brand awareness and credibility. Proven techniques can help you bring high-quality prospects to your business while giving you a competitive edge. It boosts your reputation far more than any paid ad campaign. Many people will see a paid ad and ignore it. But when they find you on a search engine, it feels like discovering a hidden gem.

Finally, strategies to boost organic traffic are sustainable. Alternative digital marketing techniques can provide short-term gains. However, they can lose momentum. That’s different from the methods you’ll use to build organic traffic.

It takes time to see results, but they are long-lasting and may benefit your company for years.

How Can SEO Help You Drive More Traffic Organically?

Great SEO and improved organic traffic go hand in hand. In fact, organic traffic growth is a telltale sign that your SEO strategies are working!

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a form of digital marketing that optimizes your website to appear higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). SEO strategies often include improving site performance and structure, producing keyword-rich content relevant to what users search for, obtaining backlinks and more.

Developing a great SEO strategy with RankScience is one of the best ways to get more organic traffic. The nature of SEO directly impacts visibility on search engines, putting your website and brand in front of more high-quality leads.

SEO Strategies To Try for a Traffic Boost

Organic traffic can make or break a modern business. No matter your industry, you need an online presence to succeed. More importantly, you need to make your site as easy as possible for people to find.

Here are some SEO methods to increase your organic traffic.

1. Refresh old content

Older content doesn’t always hurt your SEO rankings if it is high-quality and evergreen. However, SEO is always evolving; you may not have used best practices when creating that content. If you have content that’s even just a few years old, it’s worth refreshing it.

Web users expect high-quality and up-to-date content. Users are less inclined to click on a blog initially published a few years back. Why would they do that when a competitor published similar content earlier this year?

Regular refreshes keep your content relevant, improving the user experience.

2. Update title tags with keywords

Title tags are the blue, clickable links on search engine result pages. They’re a seemingly unimportant element, but they greatly impact users. Title tags are what compel people to click. Plus, they’re critical ranking and conversion factors.

Consider updating title tags by using new keywords. Relevant keywords in the title tag hold more value to users, getting more clicks and improving your SEO.

3. Follow on-page SEO optimization best practices

Your strategies for driving organic traffic and improving SEO will merge. There’s no greater example of that than by looking at on-page SEO. On-page SEO refers to on-website elements you can directly change to improve optimization. For example, you can revamp your content, change title and meta tags, improve internal linking, optimize images, etc.

If you want to improve organic traffic, prioritize on-page SEO best practices.

Do keyword research and develop content around the terms people use to find your site. Use those keywords on tags and create engaging content that people care about.

4. Focus on Google’s E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, & Trustworthiness)

E-E-A-T is a simple acronym representing factors that Google’s Search Quality Raters use to evaluate search results. While not a direct ranking factor, Google takes the elements of E-E-A-T into account to present the highest quality results to users.

Google E-E-A-T stands for:

  • Experience: Google wants the content it recommends to come from creators with firsthand experience in the topic.
  • Expertise: Google typically ranks pages higher when authors are experts on the topic.
  • Authoritativeness: This factor refers to a creator’s reputation in the industry, judging your influence as a leader on a particular topic.
  • Trustworthiness: Google considers a site trustworthy when the content is factual, cited and not covered in ads.

Focus on the Google E-E-A-T factors when improving your site’s SEO.

5. Publish pillar pages and strategic blog posts

Pillar pages are like a landing destination for a topic. It is a high-level overview of a topic that links to topic clusters for more in-depth information.

These pages are fantastic for SEO because they dramatically improve the user experience. Pillar pages provide better structure, making it easy for visitors to find all the relevant information they need. Furthermore, they contain internal links to keep visitors around and reduce bounce rates.

Use pillar pages often and link them to informative blog posts that visitors care about.

6. Use mobile-friendly designs

The lines between desktop browsing and mobile browsing continue to merge. These days, people expect a seamless experience regardless of whether they visit your site on a computer or a smartphone. Therefore, it’s an important SEO ranking for Google and other search engines.

Optimizing your site with mobile-friendly designs is paramount. Your site should load quickly and display all the same information from any device.

7. Improve user experience (UX) and site structure

Pillar pages will do a lot to improve site structure. However, there’s plenty more you can do. For example, best practices include using headings, establishing a simple page hierarchy and providing an easy-to-navigate design. Good site structure improves the user experience, translating to higher SEO rankings.

Don’t forget to prioritize overall site performance. Nothing makes a visitor want to leave more than slow loading speeds!

8. Get high-quality backlinks

A backlink is created whenever another website links back to yours. Backlinks most commonly occur when another creator links to your site as a resource.

Backlinks are important for many reasons. In addition to broadening your site’s exposure, they tell search engines like Google that your site is an authority on the topic. The more backlinks you get, the more authoritative your site becomes.

There are many ways to obtain backlinks. You can collaborate with other sites and publish guest posts to link to your site. Your business can also participate in other forms of media like podcasts, interviews and forum discussions.

One of the best ways to get backlinks? Produce high-quality content people want to use! If your content is great, you can get backlinks naturally.

Get Help From SEO Experts

As you can see, driving organic traffic to your site with SEO is not a one-track strategy. It requires a multifaceted approach. Building traffic takes time, but the results can lead to significant growth for your company.

The best thing you can do is turn to SEO experts like RankScience. With experts, you can easily identify room for improvement in your current SEO techniques and develop plans that lead to impressive results.

Learn More with RankScience

Let RankScience be your growth partner. At RankScience, we know how important organic traffic is. We also understand that every business and website is different. Our teams don’t do cookie-cutter strategies. We custom-build SEO plans for every site to maximize results. Combining state-of-the-art AI technology and proven digital marketing techniques enables us to develop strategies tailored to your success.

Contact us today to start your journey to more organic traffic than ever!

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