Technical SEO Services

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Your website is your digital storefront, so it is often someone’s first impression of your business. Think about brick and mortar stores; would you want to visit a store that’s cluttered, dirty, and hard to navigate? The answer is probably no. Your website is the same way. To keep people on your website and to get them interested, your website needs to be technically sound. They should be able to naturally get through your website and the search engine should be able to easily understand and crawl it. Technical SEO is the foundation of any good website. If your website is littered with technical issues, it can make for a less than ideal user experience. Any sort of technical issues can be frustrating for a user and it could be the reason they leave your site and you lose that conversion. With a thorough technical analysis and implementing optimizations, you can make sure your website is never the cause of increased bounce rate.

What is Technical SEO?

What is technical SEO and how does it factor into building a good website? The answer isn’t so black and white. The fact about technical SEO is that it isn’t very easily categorized since it involves so many elements. Many of these elements will play some sort of factor in Google’s ranking of your website. A few things that technical SEO involves includes:
  • Website speed
  • Meta Tags
  • Mobile Usability
  • Crawlability and Indexicality
  • Canonicalization
  • Duplicate Content
  • HTTPS Security
  • Site Architecture
  • And Much More
Technical SEO can be quite overwhelming and the fixes can often be quite complicated if you’re not familiar with working in different content management systems. That’s why RankScience offers comprehensive technical SEO services to make the process much simpler for you. You don’t have to be a technical wizard when you have an entire team at hand who can find the issues and take care of them efficiently and effectively.

Technical SEO Audit

When you choose RankScience for your technical SEO services, the first thing we do is run a comprehensive technical SEO audit on your site. This will give us an idea of what is going right and what is going wrong on your website from a technical standpoint. Once we have an idea of what needs fixing we can start getting to work. Through these various optimizations, we will help your website reach optimum rankings.  Here are some examples of some optimizations we can make after running a full audit.

Crawlability and Indexability

It’s essential to make your user experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible. However, real people aren’t the only considerations you need to make. You also have to appeal to Google’s algorithm. This means making your website crawlable and indexable. Google will periodically crawl your website to understand what it consists of, what content you offer, and more. By making your website easier to crawl through clean organizational structures, sitemaps, and more you can ensure that Google crawls everything you want it to. Once Google has crawled your website, it will include your pages in its index. Now your pages show up for the average user. However, you may want to hide some pages from Google’s index. Or you might have some pages marked no index that you want to show up. These can also be uncovered in a technical audit and optimized accordingly. Technical SEO audits will also uncover 404, 301, and other status errors that need to be corrected. Clean 301 redirects are important to users and search engines, especially if you need to direct them from old pages and websites you may have been using.

Meta Tags

Metadata is more important than many people think. Your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, image tags, and more all play a role in Google’s ranking algorithm. Not only that, but they play a factor in the user interface as well. Good metadata will not only inform users what a page is about, it will instruct search engines as well.

Mobile Usability

A technical SEO audit can help determine which of your web pages aren’t mobile-friendly. A large percentage of users will browse your website from their mobile devices, so it’s more important than ever that your web pages are optimized for mobile screens.

Internal Links

One extremely important aspect of technical SEO is a healthy internal linking structure. Backlinks are a crucial building block of a successful SEO strategy, but internal links are also important for helping users flow naturally from different points of your website. Most internal linking is common sense when it comes to top-level landing pages, but it’s important to maintain a good link structure between your blogs and articles as well. Building a good link structure will keep users on your page longer, help them find the information they’re looking for, and lead to more conversions.

A/B Testing

RankScience utilizes proprietary A/B testing software to find specific changes to implement on your site to improve your organic traffic and rankings. After conducting our comprehensive technical analysis, we will be able to create A/B tests based on your specific goals and find ways to maximize the results you desire. Through ongoing tests and reports we will be able to optimize your website to its full potential. Whether you’re looking to improve rankings, clicks, or impressions, we can design our A/B tests to get the most out of your content and landing pages.

Improve Your Website with RankScience

If you’re looking for someone to optimize the technical aspects of your website, allow RankScience to lend a hand. But when it comes to improving your website’s organic traffic, technical SEO is just the beginning. RankScience offers a full suite of digital marketing services to help you bring your organic traffic and rankings to the next level. Technical SEO, content marketing, and strategy are just a few of the services we offer. Contact us today for more information about each of our services and to schedule a free consultation.

Why Choose Rank Science?

If you’re ready to improve your organic growth and rankings using data-driven strategies and a team of SEO experts, then RankScience is for you.

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