Content Marketing

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You might have the best product or service in the world, but it won’t matter if no one knows about it. The old ways of marketing your business have gone out the window long ago and now you have to really earn consumer’s trust to get them interested. Consumers are savvier than ever and they don’t tend to buy products that haven’t made some sort of impact in the digital space. Content marketing is one great avenue to build consumer trust and website authority. Not only does it get your name out there in an organic way, it helps to build your authority in your industry, potentially helping you to become an industry leader. RankScience offers a variety of content marketing services to get your website where it needs to be.

How Does it Work?

Digital marketing has become a fairly saturated industry, so it can be easy to get lost in all the buzzwords. So what is content marketing in the first place? Simply put, content marketing will be one of your main pillars for increasing your organic traffic. It’s a marketing strategy that focuses on building engaging, relevant content that will attract consumers to your website. By consistently creating and releasing this content, you can gradually build your organic traffic over a long period of time. In fact, content marketing is one of the most effective long-term strategies in the content marketing industry. Now that we have the basics of what content marketing means, we can explain some of the amazing content marketing services we offer here at RankScience.

Blog Writing and Posting

The first and most basic step for creating a dynamic content marketing strategy is content creation. Through extensive keyword research, search intent analysis, competitor analysis, and much more, you can create a content strategy that is highly relevant to your target demographics. But once you have your article topics, it’s not enough to just throw together some general information, post it, and call it a day. With the vast amount of websites that search engines have to crawl, you have to be sure your website is standing out amongst the crowd. This is done by creating premium-quality, engaging, highly relevant articles that will keep users reading and that are good enough for them to share with others in your demographic. RankScience’s highly trained marketing team will put together a strategy for you and create high-caliber articles that will not only appeal to your consumer base, but to other magazines, blogs, and websites in your industry. The importance of being shared by industry-similar websites, blogs, and magazines is outlined in another of our essential content marketing services: link building.

Link Building

Since Google’s algorithm is ever-changing, it can be difficult to pin down exactly what it considers an important ranking factor at any given moment. However, as digital marketing experts we’re able to find consistent ranking signals that Google continues to look for no matter how often it’s updated. One of those hyper-important factors are backlinks. Backlinks are links from other websites to your website or blog. Google views it as the website trusting your website as an authority on the topic being referenced. However, when it comes to backlinks, Google looks at quality, not quantity. Dozens of backlinks from low-quality sites aren’t nearly as important as one quality link from a highly authoritative site. But how do you get these essential backlinks? Link-building takes time and effort. It takes a lot of reaching out to the right websites and a lot of premium content creation. RankScience can take this arduous task off your hands and start building a quality link profile for you. The better your link profile, the more authoritative your website becomes in the eyes of the search engines, and the easier it will become to get more quality backlinks in the future.

Local SEO

Many of our clients at RankScience are web-based, but if you have a brick and mortar location, it’s important for you to consider your local SEO. We can help you take care of this by getting your local citations and directories in order. Many businesses tend to forget about local SEO, and by implementing best practices, your business can get the digital edge it needs to stay on top. Local SEO makes sure your online presence is optimized so that people can easily find you when they search for your products and services locally. If you need your local SEO improved and optimized, RankScience can take care of that for you, and make sure your local customers are easily finding you online.

Other Forms of Media

The core of content marketing is blogs and articles, but that doesn’t mean you can’t expand your content marketing strategy with other forms of media. Once you have a good base of blogs and articles, creating different kinds of content can really bring your strategy to the next level. Things like video submissions, image submissions, podcasts, press releases, social media profiles, and much more. Studies show that visual marketing can be highly effective when utilized correctly, so getting your videos and images out there is crucial. RankScience is happy to help with this stage of your content marketing plan as well. We can easily submit media for you and optimize it, help you put together your press releases, create clean social profiles for you, or whatever else your content marketing needs may entail.

Take Your Content Marketing to the Next Level with RankScience

Content marketing is an incredible way to greatly increase your organic traffic over the long-term, however, it can take a lot of time and effort. Most businesses don’t have the time to dedicate toward a full content marketing strategy, especially if they don’t have a marketing department. Let RankScience be your marketing department instead. We offer content marketing, PPC, technical SEO, A/B testing, and anything else you might need to bring your digital marketing campaign to the next level. Contact us today for more information and to set up a free consultation.

Why Choose Rank Science?

If you’re ready to improve your organic growth and rankings using data-driven strategies and a team of SEO experts, then RankScience is for you.

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